The Focused Sports Kid (CDs & Workbook)


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“The Focused Sports Kid” helps sports kids who get easily distracted and can’t maintain their focus in competition. In this program, you and your athlete learn concentration-boosting strategies to help young athletes develop laser focus during competition. “The Focused Sports Kid” is two programs in one. You get a manual and CD program for parents/coaches, and a workbook and CD programs for young athletes.


  • Athlete’s Step-By-Step Workbook: The sports kids’ workbook is an easy-to-understand, illustrated, step-by-step workbook for young athletes, age 8 to 18. It tells kids why focus is so critical, and guides them through the process of identifying their distractions so they can focus on the things that will allow them to excel. We provide many sport-specific examples of the performance cues kids should be concentrating on—the thoughts, feelings, targets, images or communication related to their sport. The program also explains how to set mini-goals to play in the present, and how to establish a warm-up routine.

  • Audio Program for Young Athletes: This CD program guides young athletes through 7 days’ of exercises that will help them boost their focus, confidence and success in sports. Your kids listen to the CD and then complete the workbook exercise in each of the 7 days. The CD walks them through the workbook and provide additional tips or examples on how to complete it.
  • Manual for Parents/Coaches: A training manual that teaches parents and coaches how to communicate and support their young athletes in ways that improve their focus, confidence and success. We even provide sample sentences that will help you communicate better with your young athletes. Parents learn what not to do—and how to change their behavior, if needed, to ensure kids hone their focus and experience happiness and success in sports as a result.
  • CD Program – Parents/Coaches Training program: This CD program guides parents through each of the seven days and provides examples of how parents can help their kids complete the daily exercises to ensure their kids refocus after distractions and make the most of their sports experience. Refocusing after distractions means your kids can get the most out of their performance—in practice and competition!

What Parents Say

“We just completed the first ten tips, it has helped tremendously for (our daughter) and us. We’ve learned to keep our behavior and comments in check. She’s letting mistakes happen and not worrying about them, she’s now just moves on to the next play with the same attitude as before the mistakes. She’s playing more aggressively all game. Her coach even mentioned that whatever we are doing, keep doing because it’s working.”*
~Scott, Sports Dad

The resources that you have available on your website have been wonderful. I am slowly learning [and hopefully] in time that a sound mental game may be more important than the actual physical part of the sport that your child plays. Yes you have to have the talent but the mental game is what sets apart as a very good athlete compared to an elite athlete. As a parent, you need to find the time to teach yourself and help your child understand the Psychology of sport. All the hard work on the ice/field could eventually pay off and not just in sport but in every day life. Thanks again.”*
~Darren, Sports Dad

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